MY Trading Adventure
1.Hi Teh, can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
I am a maths lecturer. I am from science based, so no knowledge about economics, business, financial, accounting, management etc etc which needed in analysing markets. That was merely 2 years ago. I read a lot ...
2. Do you consider yourself a trader or an investor and are you in it full time or part time?
I am a trader, rather than an investor. I m both, actually as I m still experimenting on both, some to buy&hold … some for short trades, others using different approaches. Not many in......
3. What other market do you trade besides Bursa?
I have bought into HKEx and SGX stocks. I only bought some US stocks for trial. Basically, I am experimenting. I even bought call/put warrants in HKEx before. That requires different mindset. Then only we could compare the differences.....
4 Why do you blog and what do you blog about?
The main reason I blog WAS to record my trades but I traded too fast than I blog. Haha. Ok, it is my footprint in markets, if u know what I mean. Also, I WAS a blogger …......
5 What tips or advise you can share with us.
I will want to see myself well-verse in different markets, different way of investing/trading, seeking opportunities when it comes. I may want to TEACH investing/trading someday and ......
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